Karmic Konnection News

Website Updates
It always amazes me how long between blog posts it is. Time sure does fly. Our July event was amazing! Thank you for all those in attendance, both customers and...
Website Updates
It always amazes me how long between blog posts it is. Time sure does fly. Our July event was amazing! Thank you for all those in attendance, both customers and...

Oils Are Here!
Exciting news! Just in time for the holidays! I've been listening to what you want in an essential oil and have been yearning to carry a high-quality essential oil line...
Oils Are Here!
Exciting news! Just in time for the holidays! I've been listening to what you want in an essential oil and have been yearning to carry a high-quality essential oil line...

Gratitude. Essential for Mental Health
I just want to offer advice that has helped me during challenging times. Those of you who know me know that I talk about this subject a lot. And sometimes...
Gratitude. Essential for Mental Health
I just want to offer advice that has helped me during challenging times. Those of you who know me know that I talk about this subject a lot. And sometimes...

What a whirlwind...
So many changes have occurred this past year. With the help of my valuable team, we have put on 3 successful vendor events, a myriad of classes and have been...
What a whirlwind...
So many changes have occurred this past year. With the help of my valuable team, we have put on 3 successful vendor events, a myriad of classes and have been...

Our new online store is now live!
After many weeks of research into web hosting, shipping, sales tax, and more - as well as many barcodes scanned, items weighed, phone calls made, and cups of coffee - Karmic Konnection is...
Our new online store is now live!
After many weeks of research into web hosting, shipping, sales tax, and more - as well as many barcodes scanned, items weighed, phone calls made, and cups of coffee - Karmic Konnection is...